Assigning roles

  1. Create a new user from the Create User screen, or select an existing user from the Modify User screen and click the Details button
  2. Check the roles you want to assign to a user
  3. Click the role's Update button to apply these changes

Assigning Tasks

  1. Select a role from the Tasks dropdown
  2. Check the tasks you want to assign or deassign to a user
  3. Click the task's Update button to apply these changes

Assigning Depots (Optional)

Assigning depots to a user allows you to restrict what bookings they can see on their dispatch workbench and/or sets their default depot. If you are creating a user for the first time or have not yet read the depot chapter, this step can be skipped for now.

  1. Optionally select a default the users default depot 
  2. Select the depots that the user has access to
  3. Click the depot's Update button to apply these changes