
iCOS LIVE requires the Chrome browser or the Firefox browser. Please ensure you have one of these installed before proceeding.

Logging in

  1. Open the iCOS LIVE website URL: in Chrome or Firefox
  2. Click the "Log in" button

        3. Enter the username and password provided by your Carrier

        4. Optionally tick remember me

        5. Click login

Menu Overview

Once successfully logged in you will be presented with a range of options along the top of the screen:

  1. The Customer menu, which containing the iCOS LIVE features you have access to
  2. Your name, username and company
  3. A hamburger menu which contains links to iCOS LIVE information, a link to an online support tool, and a logout option

Creating a Freight booking

Create a booking

  1. Open the Customer menu
  2. Select the Freight Booking option
  3. A New Freight booking will open

Freight booking references

Each freight booking has fields for recording the references for each of the parties involved in it. The Docket number is your carrier’s reference and does not need to be set. If it contains the word AUTO, the docket number will be generated once the booking is saved.

4. Optionally enter the pickup site’s (Shipper) reference for this job

5. Enter your reference for this job

6. Optionally enter the delivery site’s (Consignee) reference for this job

Shipper and Consignee Sites

The shipper and consignee sites can be entered free form, selected from a list of existing sites, or they can be preset by your carrier if your either of your sites will always be the same.

  • When creating a new site whose name could exist multiple times, include the site's location in the name. i.e. “Woolworths - Panmure” rather than just “Woolworths
  • When selecting a site's locale be as specific as possible, pick a suburb or town rather than a city or region. i.e. “Panmure” rather than “Auckland Region
  • A site's locale must exist in the iCOS LIVE database and will highlight red when invalid and green when valid

Creating a new site

  1. Enter your Shipper's name into the first text field (ignore the autocomplete drop down that appears for now)
  2. Optionally enter the street address into the first address line
  3. Optionally enter secondary address information or permanent access instructions into the second and third address lines
  4. Start entering the site's locale into the fourth address line. A drop down will appear with locations that match, the more you type the more relevant they become
  5. Select the correct location from this list. Once your booking has been saved this site will become an option you can use again later

8. Selecting an existing site

  1. Start typing "JUICY FRUIT" into the consignee site name and an autocomplete drop down will appear
  2. Select the previously saved "JUICY FRUIT - PAPAKURA" site

The Details tab

The details tab is a collection of tabs that contain specific details about a job. The General and Notes & Comments tabs are available when creating a new job and more will become available once the job has been saved. For freight bookings the General tab contains tools for adding and managing the goods that need to be carted.

9. Adding the goods to be carted

Goods are added to bookings as line items and are in most cased used to calculate your cartage rates. A line item can be created per item or a line item could be created for a group of goods that use the same rate commodity. Line items are created and edited along the top of the general tab and any saved line items are displayed below in a list.

Creating a line item

Follow the below steps and create three line items, they do not need to match those shown in the example screenshots.

  1. Enter the unit quantity (must be 1 or higher and cannot include decimal places)
  2. Optionally select how the goods are packaged
  3. Select a rating commodity
  4. Optionally enter a description of the goods
  5. Enter the total weight of the goods
  6. Enter the total cubes of the goods
  7. Click the Add button

Updating a line item

8. Click the pencil icon of the line item you want to update

9. Change some of the line item’s details (they will appear in the same location that you originally entered them)

10. Click the update button to apply the changes

Deleting a line item

11. Click a line item’s Red Cross icon to delete it

Notes & Comments Tab

This tab allows you to record optional instructions or notes for your carrier. These notes are freeform and can be changed at any stage of a job's life and are displayed on any consignment notes created from the system.

Certain key works will trigger icons to show in the Flags column for this job on your carrier's dispatch workbench and on your job list.

  • Any notes trigger a blue asterisk icon
  • The word CALL triggers an orange telephone icon
  • The word URGENT triggers a red clock

10. Adding carrier instructions

  1. Click the Notes & Comments tab
  2. Enter some text into the field provided (for this exercise include the words CALL and URGENT)
  3. Return to the General tab

11. Selecting a cartage service type

Service types are an optional feature which allows you to define the type of freight service you want your carrier to provide. iCOS LIVE provided 4 freight options: Standard, Express, Economy and Urgent. Selecting one of these options may affect your cartage rates and the speed at which your job is completed, so please discuss this feature with your carrier.

  1. Optionally select an option from the Service Type drop down

12. Recording pallets and lifts

If you or your carrier are tracking pallets you can optionally record some of their details against the job.

  1. Optionally enter the amount of hire pallets involved in the job, into the Hire field
  2. Optionally enter the amount of non-hire pallets involved in the job, into the Non field
  3. Optionally enter the amount of lifts required for your job, into the Lifts field
  4. Optionally enter the amount of hire pallets that will be returned from the consignee, into the Hire Retn field

13. Setting your goods type and their required temperature

The goods type and required temperature fields allow you to identify if your goods have specific storage requirements. iCOS LIVE provides three goods types: AMBIENT, CHILLED and FROZEN. If your goods are always of a particular type with specific temperature requirements your carrier can set them as defaults.

  1. Optionally select an option from the Goods Type dropdown
  2. Optionally enter the temperature your goods must be stored at in the Req Temp field

14. Setting the required pickup and delivery dates and time

  1. Enter the date and time you want your goods picked up, into the Required Pickup
  2. Enter the date and time you want your goods delivered, into the Required Delivery fields

15. Saving your booking

Once you have completed your booking there are two saving options. When you click either of these options you will be notified if there are any errors with the booking which must be fixed before you can continue.

Save & new

Save yours job and then immediately opens a new freight booking

Save Booking

Saves your job and puts it into View Mode

15. Click Save Booking

View mode

Once your booking has been successfully saved it will go into View Mode. This is the same layout you will see when a freight booking has been opened from your booking workbench, which you can accessed from the Customer Menu by clicking List Current Jobs. As your booking has been saved it is now safe to go to this screen but it is suggested that you continue reading this article before doing so.

16. Auto-Docketing

If Auto Docketing is enabled for your company a unique docket number will now be assigned.

17. Documents

The documents tab contains an optional feature which allows you to upload and store files against the booking. This feature must be enabled by your carrier to function.

  1. Open the documents tab
  2. Click the Cloud Icon

3. Select a file to upload

4. Once uploaded the file will appear in the documents tab

5. Clicking the red cross icon removes an attached file

18. Charge Amount

If your line items and sites have been entered correctly and they match one your carrier’s rate commodities the total cartage charge will be calculated. If you have been given permission to see your cartage charges they will now be displayed.

19. Quick Actions

The quick actions drop-down, found at the bottom left corner of any job booking contains actions you can conveniently execute straight from a booking.

Print Consignment

Creates an A4 PDF consignment note

  1. Select Print Consignment from the Quick Actions drop down
  2. Open the resulting file for printing, or save it for later use

Print Labels

Creates a PDF with one or more labels. The label format defaults to an A4 size however other options are available.

  1. Select Print Labels from the Quick menu drop down
  2. Enter the total quantity of unique packages being carted and then click Confirm
  3. Open the resulting file for printing, or save it for later use


Duplicates a job booking. If a booking is duplicated once the new booking will appear immediately, elsewise the newly duplicated jobs will appear on your Job List workbench.


Cancels a job booking. This feature is only available with the correct permissions and before a job has started. If this feature is available, it is suggested that you communicate with your carrier before using it.

20. Edit Booking

Puts a job into edit mode so that details can be updated or added. This mode’s layout is the same as when you first created the booking however note that some details cannot be changed once the job has started by your Carrier.

Viewing your bookings

List Current Jobs

  1. Open the Customer menu
  2. Select List Current Jobs

Booking Workbench

The booking workbench displays your company’s bookings and contains tools and filters for controlling which are displayed. Previously created bookings can also be opened and edited from here. Before continuing reading please ensure you have created at least one booking.

1. Workbench grid

The workbench grid displays your companies’ bookings. Each booking is displayed on a single row (regardless of how many movements it has) with specific details in each column. A booking can be opened by clicking its Zoom icon or by double clicking one of its cells. If you are using a touch screen use the Zoom icon.

2. Status Filter

The Status drop down allows you to filter your workbench based on whether bookings have been completed or not. Selecting one of the options automatically refreshes your workbench with the new results.

  • Active - Only shows bookings that have not yet been completed
  • Delivered - Only shows bookings that have been completed
  • Active and Delivered - Show all bookings

Booking Statuses

As a booking progresses from new to delivered its status will change as certain events are processed by your carrier or their drivers. A booking’s current status can be found in the Status column on your job workbench. Below is a list of these statuses, what they mean, and the order they commonly happen:

3. Date Range Filters

The From and To date ranges allow you to control what bookings are visible based on their dates. After making a change to either of these fields the Refresh button must be clicked to update the workbench.

4. Refresh Button

Forces your workbench to reload.

5. Clear Filters Button

Clears any filters entered into the filter fields found beneath each column’s title.

6. Print / Export

A drop down containing reports that can generated from any currently visible or selected bookings.

  • (PDF) List Jobs
  • (PDF) Run sheet
  • (PDF) Consignment Note  Creates a paper consignment note
  • (CSV) Excel Export - WYSIWYG format  Creates a csv file containing your workbench data

Creating a report

  1. Optionally select the bookings to report on by checking their Select column check-boxes
  2. Select an option from the Print / Export drop down
  3. Click the Print / Export button
  4. The report will download into your browser which you can either open or save for later use

7. Filter by User

Filters the workbench by the user who created a booking.

Workbench columns

Workbench columns can be resized, repositioned, hidden, sorted and filtered. Any changes made to them are saved when you log out or refresh and are available again once logged back in.

Resizing a column

Click and hold down the left mouse button while over the line to the right of a column’s title. Drag your mouse to the left to make it shorter or to the right to make it wider. Release the mouse once you have achieved your desired width.

Hide/ Show a column

Right click any column title to open a list of all of the available workbench columns. Highlighting a column title will horizontally reposition the workbench to its current location. Toggling a column’s check box will change its visibility.

Re-positioning a column

Left click and drag a column title to its new location then release the mouse button to position it

Sorting a column

Left click a column title to sort it ascending and again to sort descending. An arrow icon will appear which lets you know which sort is currently applied.

Filtering a column

Bookings can be filtered by their column’s data by entering text (or numbers) into the free form fields found beneath its title. If a booking’s column doesn’t contain the text you entered it will be hidden immediately. If an exclamation mark (!) is added to the start of the text it will have the opposite effect. Multiple column filters can be applied at the same time, and they can be removed by clicking the Clear Filters button.

Workbench columns

Container only columns

Reviewing an existing job

Editing an existing job

A job’s details can be edited up until the time that a booking has been allocated by your Carrier.

  1. Open a booking from the workbench by clicking the Zoom icon or double clicking any of its cells
  2. Click the Edit Booking button
  3. Update the booking’s details
  4. Save the booking

Reviewing a booking’s movement history

You can view a booking’s movement history at any time from its Moves tab. Each physical movement is displayed on its own line with its completed events listed vertically. Each event is displayed with an event type, event icon, date and time stamp, and the user’s name that processed it.

Reviewing a booking’s history

You can view a booking’s general history at any time from its History tab. Each history event includes the activity type, a date and time stamp and the involved used.

Printing a Proof of Delivery

Once a booking has been completed with a POD you can view or download it from its Proof tab. PODs created by a driver using our mobile application will have a signature, the receiver’s name, a GPS coordinate (if turned on) as well as the job’s basic details.